You're Not Alone
Mothers struggle daily.
Did you know 1 in 5 mothers experience mental health complications related to the birth of a child.
Our community is the proof. We've touched the lives of hundreds across Mississippi and we are continuing to grow! Join us and gain support today!
It's completely free.

you have us
I love you all, I'm so grateful and you guys don't really understand how much this has helped me being here with the group
Adrienne P.
Thanks for being so helpful! I enjoyed my therapist and the relationship I had with her.
Brittany F.
This program is so helpful especially when you’re going through and need that extra push to encourage you to keep pushing because you’re gonna make it.
Jancsi N.

Support for Mothers is a Necessity.
The unique peer led support groups offer a safe place for mothers to support and uplift one another, ultimately forming organic bonds in motherhood and an everlasting village.

Get support and share your story with other moms.
As a mom, you’re not alone. No one is perfect, and learning from the past mistakes of others will help to improve the overall functionality of the entire family structure. We provide resources for moms struggling with Maternal Mental Health.

Community Partners
click the links
In an effort to provide the absolute best resources to our mothers, we ask that if you are a healthcare service provider or community affiliate and you'd like to partner with Mom.ME. please email us.
Mississippi Department
of Mental Health
Molina Healthcare
C.H.O.S.E.N. Doula Services
Therapy Plus, LLC

MS Perinatal Quality Collaborative